European Monetary Institute
- European Monetary Institute
EMI , фин. Европейский валютный институт
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Европейский валютный институт: организация, созданная в 1994 г. и призванная перерасти в Европейский центральный банк к 1999 г.; штаб-квартира во Франкфурте, ФРГ.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
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European Monetary Institute — [jʊərə piːən mʌnɪtərɪ ɪnstɪtjuːt, englisch], Abkürzung EMI, das Europäische Währungsinstitut … Universal-Lexikon
European Monetary Institute — The European Monetary Institute (EMI) was the forerunner of the European Central Bank (ECB). It encouraged cooperation between the national banks of the member states of the EU.Created 1st January 1994, it was the key monetary institution of the… … Wikipedia
European Monetary Institute — EMI An organization set up by the Maastricht Treaty in 1991 in order to coodinate the economic and monetary policy of members of the European Union until the achievement of European Monetary Union (EMU; see European Monetary System). It was… … Big dictionary of business and management
European Monetary Institute — Established by the Treaty on European Union, and in operation by 1994, to plan for a further strengthening of economic and monetary collaboration as a prelude to the final stage of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) when it will be replaced by… … Glossary of the European Union and European Communities
European Monetary Institute — ► See EMI … Financial and business terms
European Monetary System — ( EMS) A system adopted by European Community members with the aim of promoting stability by limiting exchange rate fluctuations. The system was originated in 1979 by the nine members of the European Community ( EC). The EMS comprised three… … Financial and business terms
European System of Central Banks — European Union This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the European Union … Wikipedia
European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro — Incumbent Olli Rehn since 9 February 2010 … Wikipedia
European Union — n. A union of European countries that exists to create uniform economic, judicial, and security policies throughout Europe. abbrv. EU The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.… … Law dictionary
European Central Bank — European Central Bank … Wikipedia
European Union — 1. an association of European nations formed in 1993 for the purpose of achieving political and economic integration. Formerly known as the European Economic Community, the European Union s member states are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland,… … Universalium